Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Great Magic Trick of Software Consulting

Every great magic trick of software consulting consists of three parts or acts.

The first part is called “The Pledge”.

The magician (a software consultant) shows you something that is achievable easily with a presentation and a project plan. He shows you he understood your requirements and he is the best guy to implement it in best possible way. Perhaps he asks you to inspect it to see if it is indeed practical to execute within given timeline. But of course… it probably isn't.

The second act is called “The Turn”.

The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary.  The magician, study and understand your requirements and extract your needs out of it. He probably understand your system better than you. Now you’re realizing that you’re being dependent on him, you look for alternatives but you won’t find it, because of course you’re not really looking. You don’t really want to know. You want to be with what you have. But you wouldn’t clap yet. Because creating dependency isn't enough; you have to execute the plan and make the deliverable possible.

That’s why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call “The Prestige”.