I was going to write about technical topic. I was half way through and suddenly something touched my mind and I hold backspace till I get complete white background again. The topic I want to discuss here is about business acumen. More specifically work we are doing every day. The 8 hours which we are spending to make our next 16 hours bright and pleasurable. Let’s think about what you did yesterday. What has exactly it added to one’s life for whom you worked?
It’s very important to know what we are going to give to the end user from our daily struggling 8 hours or may vary positively typically in IT field. You know, engineers always like to come up with formula for any topic. And as being one of them, let me derive a formula on this:
Successful Work = Value added to End User / Effort spent
It’s very important to understand the formulae. The success of any work is proportional to the value it has added to the end user. Some people usually do their work just for shake of completing it. Very few realize why they are spending their valuable time for output that no one wants. Many times, it’s attitude that changes human mind. And this attitude depends on many factors. Let’s take an example. You have been assigned the work and you know from the beginning that it won’t be finished within the time assigned. Actually that makes our mind to complete the stuff anyhow. At that time, we don’t care what we are doing. Our aim is just to complete what has been asked for. My point of taking this example is to prove that it’s not just the one who is doing the work, is responsible for bad work but there is hierarchy. The supervisor is also responsible who has assigned the work which is not at all feasible in the timeline. The manager is also equally responsible who has promised to the client. And same thing applies to client also, in turn left him with what he never wanted. Actually this is everyone’s responsibility and should be taken care from top to bottom level.
Think through your heart once!!!